Music Sponsor Contribution
$50.00Sponsor Contribution
A business or person who would like to contribute a one-time donation to the DeMatha Music Department. The sponsor name and contributor level will be listed in our concert programs for the 2024-2025 concert season and school year.
1) Be sure to complete and submit the online agreement.2) Donations are in quantities of $50. To contribute a larger amount, use the drop-down box to find your desired donation.Contributor levels:Mezzo Forte $50-200Forte $250-450Fortissimo $500 or more
Thank you for your contribution! -
Music Concert Advertising
$330.00Advertiser ContributionA business, family, or person who would like to submit an advertisement to our concert programs for the 2024-2025 school year for a one-time fee.Before submitting payment, be sure to: 1) Complete and submit the online agreement. 2) Upload a hi resolution advertisement in PDF or JPEG format to the online agreement, or email it to you for your contribution! -
DM Music Percussion Stick Bag
$75.00This OPTIONAL Kit includes bag and 4 sets of sticks.
(NOT required for Summer Camp)
DeMatha Student Tributes
$60.00DeMatha Student Tributes for the Kaleidoscope Concert.
All ads must be in by Thursday, September 19.
Artwork and questions can be directed to Jennifer Cibor